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According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, identity is a condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is; the qualities, beliefs, etc., that distinguish or identify a person or thing. Throughout their lives, some individuals struggle to find their identity. Developing your identity will not happen overnight it takes time to develop. Life events can alter your identity. Struggling to find your identity could include things such as choosing a career path, deciding on a college and a major, choosing your sexuality, political affiliation, hobbies, and characteristics. Individuals need to realize that struggling with several parts of the characteristics that make up your identity, is perfectly normal. Looking at Erik Erickson’s fifth stage identity vs. role confusion and James Marcia’s identity status theory helps you take a greater look at identity and how it can affect a person personally and socially.

Struggling to find your identity can lead to mental health issues and behavioral health problems. Which then leads to them having issues such as drugs and or alcohol addiction, depression, and anxiety. Individuals that are in the LGBTQ community, of a minority, and living in poverty have a challenging time with their identity. Developing a strong sense of self, plays an important role in helping an individual be happy in life.


  1. I believe that this is an important topic that psychologists, social workers, and therapists should learn and study. A lot of people today have trouble with their identity and we, as social workers, need to help them find themselves. I do believe that when individuals who struggles with their identity leads to mental health issues and behavioral health problems. But this topic is an important one that we need to know to help our patients.

  2. Sarah, this is definitely a topic that needs to be addressed. Especially for high school students that are not going straight to college and are forced to work jobs that do not display their true potential. I think the excessive use of social media. People create profiles based on who they want the world view them as. Instead of just displaying their natural character. Social media makes shaming so easy for bullies that suffer from identity struggle.

  3. I agree with you, by the way very good topic. As an adolescent, we tend to suffer with finding our identity. It can cause for personal self destruction for not knowing who you are or where you really wanna be in life. Not knowing your identity can cause mental illness for you and close relatives. For family that care can lose touch of themselves trying to save you. Everyone have suffered from some sort of identity issue from family, friends, and significant other.


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